Bosch DS9371 Motion Detector 360หš Ceiling, Black

$129.02 & Free Shipping

  • Fully adjustable optics for coverage integrity and customization
  • Hinged chassis and base plate for easy installation
  • High efficiency LED and light pipe system for easy walk testing

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SKU: DS-DS9371 Category: Brand:


The DS9371 TriTech detector can be used on ceilings as high as 7.6 m (25 ft). The combination of passive-infrared (PIR) detection, microwave detection, and advanced signal processing techniques allows TriTech detectors to rapidly respond to human targets without triggering false alarms from other sources. With three separate fully-adjustable PIR sections, coverage can be customized for specific areas at all mounting heights.

  • Fully adjustable optics for coverage integrity and customization
  • Hinged chassis and base plate for easy installation
  • High efficiency LED and light pipe system for easy walk testing

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Weight 1 lbs