Honeywell OP10HONS OmniProx Proximity Reader, HID Compatible, Mini-Mullion

$138.58 & Free Shipping

  • OmniProx 125 kHz compatible proximity credentials
  • External numbering for easy identification and control
  • Available with high coercivity magnetic stripe (4000 Oe – un-encoded, ISO only) for added capability

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SKU: NC-OP10HON Category: Brand:


Honeywellโ€™s OmniProx family is a complete line of 125 kHz HID compatible proximity readers that delivers outstanding and consistent performance in a small package with attractive styling and colors to fit any dรฉcor.

All OmniProx readers (except the OP90 and OP95) include three bezels: black, charcoal gray and ivory and are constructed with rugged polycarbonate materials potted for both indoor and outdoor applications. The OmniProx family of readers combines unique functionality, high-quality engineering and design for a variety of applications in the electronic access control market.

OmniProx readers offer superb reliability and consistent read range. Installation is simple and fast with a mounting template included in all models. In addition the readers are compatible with the clock and data interface from the ACS-2 and ACS-8 controller. Increased security functions like optical tamper and security screw prevent unauthorized users from removing the reader from the wall or attempting to compromise the system.

For locations that require a proximity reader to be able to withstand vandal-prone environments, the OP90 and OP95 vandal resistant readers are an ideal choice.

Main Features

  • Variety of sizes to choose from to fit any dรฉcor: โ€“ Mullion and mini-Mullion style โ€“ Single-gang style (US) โ€“ Single-gang style (UK)
  • Host LED control and optical tamper output
  • Hidden mounting screws deter vandalism
  • Potted for superior weather-resistance
  • Hold line for anti-passback applications with NetAXS-123
  • Wiegand or Clock and Data output
  • HID and EM410x Prox Compatible
  • Includes vandalresistant security and installation tool with every reader
  • Adhesive-backed mounting template reduces installation time and risk of mounting errors
  • Three bezels included with OP10, OP30, OP40 and OP45 reader models: black, charcoal gray and ivory
  • Lifetime warranty
  • ROHS compliant
  • Compatible with card formats up to 85 bits in length including 26-bit, 34-bit and Corporate 1000 formats

Additional information

Weight 0.375 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 3 cm